Sunday, April 25, 2010

Week 8 Reflection

I learning activity I created for weeks seven and eight integrated the use of the MUVE Second Life. I have taken what I learned in the course thus far to design a learning activity in which students will engage in creating a portion of a sim to represent the occupation they are choosing to reseach for their career unit. Students will explore SL as they learn the functions in the environment like how to navigate and build. They will learn to communicate with one another in instant messages and in local or private group chats. In doing so students are using technology in a meaningful and effective manner, they are practicing collaboration and communication skills necessary to be successful in the 21st century job place. It is crucial that student be led through step by step to introduce them into this virtual world. I will guide students through creating their avatars and learning basic functions.

I will read my technology journals, attend technology conferences, work collaboratively with my co-workers, and share my learning with others in order to keep up on emerging technology. In working closely with the technology specialist, I hope to be involved when they are trying new hardware or software. I am also serving on the school technology committee. I will be aware of possible grants so that I may help to bring technology to our school. I will attend training so that I may use technology effectively in my own classroom and share that knowledge with others. In integrating technology into my classroom I hope to engage the students in memorable learning experiences. In these learning experiences students will be actively using and sharing new technology. As students are engaged in completing authentic learning activities, they practice communication and collaboration skills. Students take ownership in their assignments and work diligently to complete them. As students are engaged in learning through multiple modes of emerging technology, grades will rise as a result of engagement in learning. This will result in students being and feeling successful in their education.

Sunday, February 28, 2010


I have found throughout the course that I have been using UDL and DI to a degree. I still believe that there is much work and effort into implementing it fully in the classroom. I believe that the integration of technology helps to differentiate instruction and provide instuction and practice for students in ways that are most meaningful to them. There are many resources provided in the differentiation station that I may not have looked for or found on my own. I find that sharing resources with other teachers has become a great way to provide better instruction and implementing new ideas in the classroom. I believe that getting to know the students and their preferred learning styles and assessments. The resources available are endless and provide many opportunities to teach students using multiple modes of instruction.

I plan to integrate the use of technology on a regular basis, whether it be the Mimio Board or use of mobile labs. I may also make better use of the computers in my classroom by integrating them into station work. I have been offering students multiple options for assessment. I will be more aware to offer various modes of learning the concept also. I need to take my time and plan lessons carefully so that I am meeting the needs of all students and not just a select few. At the beginning of the school year I need to prepare surveys that allow me to become familiar with the specific needs of my students. I will also take the time to talk individually with students to learn preferences and interests that I may be able to use to engage them in learning experiences.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

GAME Plan - Week 4

I am finding resources and information needed to continue following my GAME plan. I have a friend who is a certified SMART board trainer and is willing to take time to help me implement the use of my Mimio in the classroom effectively and how to use SMART software with it. I have arranged to be informed of any technology training that takes place at the local Educational Service Center and have made arrangements to attend the State Technology Convention. I hope that in attending these conferences and training sessions that I can continue to develop my knowledge of how to use technology to draw my students into my lessons and engage them in learning. At this point I don't believe I need to make any changes to my GAME plan. I have learned that there is much work into developing lessons that use technology and that the availability of technology in the district is limites. Careful time and considereation must be taken when designing lessons and when implementing them. I know that I must be prepared with a backup in case technology fails. There are many available technology conferences or trainings for low cost and most will be paid for by my school district. Questions that I have would be how to find time to develop these lessons, and what does one do when technology doesn't work. I am also wondering if there is a good way to track student progress in using technology or to determine if greades are improving through the use of technology.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

GAME Plan Week 3

In putting my GAME plan into action I need to receive training on how to use the Mimio Board, which is an interactive white board effectively in my classroom. I wish to learn how to use it in ways that reach all of my students. I am familiar with how it works but also know that I am far from using it to it's fullest potential. I wish to use the Mimio board to bring lessons to life and engage all students in learning while also learning and applying valuable 21st Century skills in real life situations. I need to have internet access, access to various websites including BrainPop, and UnitedStreaming.

Another piece of technology on my wish list is the NEO 2 by Renaissance Learning. This piece of technology has many functions such as word processing, student response systems, Accelerated Reader quizzes, and allows for students to peer edit and print out work. I believe that this piece of technology would allow for sudents to become engaged in the lesson as well as learn to become self directed learners.

I am currently using the Accellerated Reader in our 8th grade classroom. Students enjoy the option of choosing their own books. I am also currently enrolled in the Integrating Technology in the Classroom master's program through Walden University. In completion of these courses I should have a better understanding of how to implement the use of technology in the classroom effectively.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Developing Your Personal GAME Plan

The two indicators I choose to focus on are "Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity" and "Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assments."

When looking at "Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity" I have developed the following GAME plan:
1. I wish to create learning activities that requires students to think in a creative manner using real-world activities so that students may make connection with and utilize 21st Century Learning Skills.
2. Many students are aware of how to work technology while I see other student that do not have computer access at home. I need to create an environment in which these students have access to these computers and software programs that are readily available.
3. I will design activities that address the diverse learning styles of each student.

1. I will collaborate with other teachers to design creative learning experiences for students integrating the use of technology.
2. I will write grants as available to bring more available technology in the classroom.
3. I will use online tests and surveys to determine student learning styles so that I may take this into consideration when designing lessons and assessments.

1. I will use formative assessments to reflect upon student learning. I will then use this information to plan and guide future lessons.

1. I will reflect upon student assessments and results to determine whether or not my lessons have been effective.

When looking at "Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments"
I have designed the following GAME Plan.
1. I will create a technology rich learning environment by implementing and using effectively all possible forms of technology when available.
2. I will design lessons based on the learning styles of my specific students.

1. I will design classroom activities and lessons that allow for the use of technology when available and the the use of all available technology, so that students may develop adequate skills in using multiple forms of technology in meaningful ways which may be applied to the real world work place.

Monitor -
1. I will monitor student progress though the use of formative and summative assesments. I will compare student averages between grading periods.

Evaluate -
1. I will evaluate my progress of my goals by looking at the progression of student achievement. If achievement is truly being made. I will use this information to plan specific upcoming lessons.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


The only constant in education is change. In order for students today to be prepared for the future work place the must acquire 21st century learning skills. “The ability to learn continuously changing technologies for literacy may be a more critical part than learning any particular technology of literacy itself” (Leu, Kinzer, Coiro, & Cammack, 2004, p1605). In completing this course, I am now aware of the preparations I need to take in designing lessons to meet the needs of my students in terms of development of new literacy skills. One step I would like to take towards enhancing my own technology skills is to bring more technology into my classroom through the writing of grants and to use the technology I have to its fullest potential.
In order to keep up with the fast pace of education and technology, both teachers and students must put forth much effort into preparing for the future. One way I believe or students can be more prepared is to revise our Acceptable Use Policy in regards to technology. Most schools already have one in place stating “students will not visit inappropriate websites, use offensive language, plagiarize, or harm the computers” (Eagleton & Dobler, 2007, p56). While I was pleasantly pleased with our districts policy, I believe students need more guidance and direct instruction on the dangers of technology misuse. Because many students are quite familiar with technology use, the are still naïve when I comes to the dangers of misusing technology. I was surprised by what students are automatically expected to know about technology use. I believe that students should be educated on the dangers of internet misuse at the beginning of each school year. This concepts and ideas need to be ingrained in their minds. Students need to see how to use technology through modeling or other activities.
This course has enabled me to take a serious look at how technology is integrated in the classroom. I believe that I will now be able to plan lessons and units that encourage the effective use of technology as learning tools. “Language arts classrooms can be technology-rich environments if you help students understand that technology is an integral part of the classroom curriculum” (Cennamo, Ross & Ertmer, 2009, p190). I believe that if I approach my unit plans as I did for this course that I will be able to ensure that I am utilizing technology in my classroom efficiently and effectively to create memorable learning experiences. I will go through a step by step process looking at each part of the lesson to see where I can integrate and how I can integrate technology into the lesson. In planning the unit bit by bit, I will look closely at how I may best utilize technology in the classroom.
One way I intend to enhance my professional development is to learn to use all the available and new technology effectively in the classroom. The first step is to be a self-directed learner and see what available resources I have access to on my own.. I can conduct my own research and look into how others are using the same technology in their own room. I have also had the opportunity to observe in another classroom to see how technology is being utilized there. I plan to continue my professional development through the classes needed to complete this degree. I also plan to attend available conferences that will enable me to enhance my classroom practice in the terms of integrating technology effectively. I will take what I am learning and develop units that promote the use and development of new literacy skills.
This course has enabled me to learn about the new literacy skills necessary for students to learn and develop in order to be successful in the future. Many students still do not have access to technology at home and are reliant on what they learn at school. I believe that it is pertinent that I utilize all available technology as often as possible in order to provide these students with the education they need to be successful in the future.

Eagleton, M. B., & Dobler, E. (2007). Reading the Web: Strategies for Internet inquiry. New York: The Guilford Press.
Cennamo, K., Ross, J., & Ertmer, P. (2009). Technology Integration for Meaningful Classroom Use: A Standards Based Approach.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Final Reflection

Technology provides the opportunity for students to learn in positive, constructive ways when implemented in ways that are meaningful. Utilizing technology in classrooms requires much work and preparation on the parts of both student and teacher. Once expectations are clear and goals are set, the use of technology for learning can provide students with learning opportunities that meet the needs of all students. Technology can be used to integrate all learning theories in the classroom. In reflecting upon personal theory of learning, I found that I most closely related to the cognitive and constructivist learning theories. I completing the course, my views have changed slightly. I also am eager to make immediate changes in my classroom involving the use of technology. I have also set two long-term goals that will create a positive learning environment utilizing technology.
While all four learning theories are evident in my personal theory of learning, I most closely relate to the cognitive and constructive theories. I am aware that all students are unique and come to my classroom with their own learning experiences. All that a student encounters may have an impact on his or her learning. I believe that what a child learns is a reflection of his or her environment both in and out of the classroom. In studying the different learning theories, I have realized how much or little, each is evident in my classroom. I still firmly believe that each has a place in my classroom and will work to integrate technology that represents each learning theory. The strategies and activities by which I plan to integrate technology lead to my short and long term goals.

When the new school year begins I plan to have students use the spreadsheet software to make the link between effort and achievement. I feel that this encourages students to take an active approach to learning. The use of this software enables students to take responsibility for their actions if they use it honestly. They will be able to see that when they put forth the effort, their grades will improve. I would like for students to keep a copy of their results in their portfolio throughout the year. I would like to start the year with a classroom blog that student use to post and discuss what they are reading. I may set up discussion groups for students that are reading the same book, groups by genre, or theme. I may ask students to come up with ideas for discussions. The possibilities are endless, but the point being that this will encourage the students to discuss what they are reading.

My two long-term goal changes for my instruction are to use technology more as a learning tool than teaching tool effectively and to integrate the use of technology for a variety of learning activities. In order to use technology as a learning tool, I must first look at what I am teaching and the learning needs of the students. I will begin by looking at my unit organizers to see where the use of technology will fit best and be used most effectively as learning tools. I need to look at how the technology is being used to ensure that the students are active in the use of the technology. This will be a long process and require much work and planning ahead, but I am looking forward to seeing how my students grow with these learning opportunities. Currently I do not use technology in my classroom for much more than PowerPoints, research, webquests, and typing. In the coming year, I would like to integrate the use of technology for many purposes that represent all of the learning theories discussed throughout the course. As I mentioned before, I plan to incorporate the use of blogs, but I would like to build classroom wikis, advanced organizers, voicethreads, and Google docs just to start. Once again, in order to do this, I must look at indicators to be covered and plan well ahead of time. I plan to model for students how to use the technology and teach proper computer etiquette. The more students use the technology, the more comfortable they will be when asked to use it.

I look forward to experiencing the changes in my classroom as I work with my students to integrate technology. I believe there will be challenges, but the outcomes will be positive. I believe that the use of technology will help to meet the needs of more students in my classroom.